Introduce Yourself: Hi! I’m Klaryza, I’m a self-taught calligrapher based out of Saskatoon, SK. I create items from cards, home décor art pieces, to customized items for weddings. I’m a wife and a mom, and I spend most of my free time on my family and learning more about calligraphy. What is the name of your shop and how long have you been open? My shop is called Klaryza Calligraphy. I have been open since 2015, so about 2 years.
Where can people find you online? I have an Instagram account: @klaryzgraphy as well as a facebook page:
What's been your best Etsy experience? Best experience for me was when someone contacted me for a big custom order. Most of my orders are customized and I like making them because it means a lot to the customers. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your shop or yourself? I am currently working on improving my photos and adding more listings to my store, in order to better showcase my items.
Introduce Yourself: Hi, I'm Angel! I'm a recent transplant to Saskatoon from sunny Florida. I love crafting Japanese silk hair accessories, illustrating stories and generally creating new shiny things.
How did you get started? I became interested in kanzashi after reading articles about the art form in college. After living in Japan and visiting Kyoto, the heart of traditional Japan, my interest deepened and I started concentrating my efforts on developing my kanzashi making skills. Where can people find you online? My website: What do you like about selling on Etsy? I like selling on Etsy because of the awesome community of sellers, and the wide audience that the site reaches. I love shopping on Etsy for the same reasons! Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your shop or yourself? I'm always looking to learn new skills and help people who want to learn more of their own. If you ever have any questions, let me know!
Introduce Yourself: Hi there! My name is Megan. I’m the face behind Megan’s Piñatas. I live in Moose Jaw and I just celebrated my second 29th birthday this year. I am happily married and have 4 children -1 Boy and 3 girls.
How did you get started? My mom used to make piñatas for mine and my siblings’ birthdays and I loved to help make and decorate them. I love to make (and smash) piñatas for any occasion -even if there’s no birthday. Once I had my own children, I carried on the tradition because it just didn’t seem like a birthday party without a piñata. I just took the leap and started selling them in the past year. Where can people find you online? What do you like about selling on Etsy? I love that anyone all over the world can see my work -not just local folks (although I do love all my Saskatchewan customers) What's been your best Etsy experience? My best experiences on Etsy are when a customer sends me a photo of my piñata in use - I love to see the kids smiling and loving it.
Introduce Yourself: Hello! My name is Moira.I am a freelance illustrator and designer of greeting cards. I freelanced for a number of years for two American companies, but always desired to have a little company of my own.And now I do! What is the name of your shop? It is called LittleLightCardCo. How long have you been open? I have been open since April 11/2016. How long have you been doing your craft and how did you get started? I have been creating greeting cards since I was a little girl, but really didn't get into it commercially until 1998 when I submitted some of my work. That was a big day when some of my designs were accepted! Where can people find you online? I also have a Facebook page and Instagram page
What's been your best Etsy experience? My Etsy experience is very new to me, but in the last couple of weeks I have had so much fun! It is a lot of fun to see people favouriting my shop or even just viewing it from all over the world. I feel like I am connecting with other creative people. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your shop or yourself? One thing that I like about having my own little Etsy company is that I have the freedom to create what I want and not be bound by the limits of a large publishing company.I am free to be just me!
November 2021